Conservatives and Betrayal
There is a doom-and-gloom element on the Right which is just waiting to be betrayed, convinced that their hardy band of true believers will lose by treachery those victories to which justice entitles them. They are stuck in the decades-long tragic phase of conservative politics, when country club Republicans inevitably sold out the faith in order to gain acceptability in the Beltway media and social circuit. Many on the right already are upset with the President already over his deficit spending, and his continued attempts to elevate the tone of politics in Washington in the face of ongoing verbal abuse by Democrats and their media allies. They misinterpret his missing verbal combativeness as weakness.
Read the rest here.
Lifson's article is possible the most damning with faint praise (without knowing it) nonsense I have read in a long time. Let's see, according to Lifson she'll be effectivie because she's a career woman who works long hours but is humble. Lifson actually writes
As the court’s new junior member, the 60 year old lady Harriet Miers will finally give a break to Stephen Breyer, who has been relegated to closing and opening the door of the conference room, and fetching beverages for his more senior Justices. Her ability to do this type of work with no resentment, no discomfort, and no regrets will at the least endear her to the others. It will also confirm her as the person who cheerfully keeps the group on an even keel, more comfortable than otherwise might be the case with a level of emotional solidarity.
She will get beverages with no resentment, discomfort or regrets? Those are her qualifications? So MSB, do you think a woman's willingness to cheeerfully get beverages for men, unencumberd by a husband or children are primary qualifications for high office? Wow. We've come a long way, baby.
Well . . . I'd take that job. You said unencumbered by husband and children, right? Heck, I'd do it non gratis.
But I'd rather see a qualified constructionist fetching drinks.
Kindly disregard the children portion of the above comment. I have a paint-fumes-induced headache.
Off topic query: why does painting one room turn an entire house into a war zone? The way my house looks right now, I could put in for federal hurricane relief.
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