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John Adams Blog

The blog of The Antient and Honourable John Adams Society, Minnesota's Conservative Debating Society www.johnadamssociety.org

Sunday, October 09, 2005

The Left has learned nothing

Carter's national security advisor, Brzezinski, continues to impress us with his brilliance. His coulumn today is loaded with defeat, appeasement and self loathing... he starts off:

Though there have been some hints that the Bush administration may be beginning to reassess the goals, so far defined largely by slogans, of its unsuccessful military intervention in Iraq, President Bush's speech Thursday was a throwback to the demagogic formulations he employed during the 2004 presidential campaign to justify a war that he himself started (emphasis mine).
I am still trying to interpret the term "unsuccessful." Wait..... isn't Saddam in prison, his sons killed, his army disbandond, his dreams of conquest and WMD gone. Even if we left today, Iraq could split up into three separate countries, perhaps all three led by despots. That would be far better than consolidated power in one tyrannical individual. Funny, how Iraq no longer shows up on list of countries proliferating...

It is clear that Brzezinski learned nothing from the 1980s and the success of confronting Communism rather than appeasing it:

America's ability to cope with nuclear nonproliferation has also suffered. The contrast between the attack on the militarily weak Iraq and America's forbearance of a nuclear-armed North Korea has strengthened the conviction of the Iranians that their security can only be enhanced by nuclear weapons. Moreover, the recent U.S. decision to assist India's nuclear program, driven largely by the desire for India's support for the war in Iraq and as a hedge against China, has made the U.S. look like a selective promoter of nuclear weapons proliferation. This double standard will complicate the quest for a constructive resolution of the Iranian nuclear problem.
Brzezinski repeats the foreign policy of the Carter Administration. He is afraid that being aggressive or standing-up will make the enemy more angry, and therefore, worse for us. This is exactly the mentality that Ronald Reagan rejected when he called the USSR the evil empire. Brzezinski then cites our assistance for India (a democracy for 50+ years) and calls it a double standard. Does he forget that we also assisted France with their nuclear program during the cold war? Does he think that India and the theocracy in Iran are morally equivilent?

It's a scary thought that this guy was partially in charge of our defense at one time. The disgusting thing about is that Brzezinski's opinions seem no different that the appeaser paleo-cons who also opposed throwing out Saddam.

Blogger Harsh Pencil said...

Rememeber the Nuclear Freeze movement against putting medium range nuclear missiles in Europe? Remember how Reagan was going to get us all blown up? Better to just get along with the Soviets.

Being a leftist means never having to be wrong or say you're sorry.

10:32 PM, October 10, 2005  

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