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John Adams Blog

The blog of The Antient and Honourable John Adams Society, Minnesota's Conservative Debating Society www.johnadamssociety.org

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

What are Democrats Up to?

I thought by this time we would be going full bore defending against attacks by Democrats on the nomination of Judge Alito. Instead Democrats are stuck on the ususal attacks of accusing Bush for lying about Weapons of Mass Destruction. Granted, the press loves this attack, because they also hate Bush and the war. However, attacking Bush on WMD is going to get very old very quickly because it is all assertion and conjecture and all a repackaging of prior complaints. By January, it will forgotten.

If I were a liberal (and if I were a smart liberal) I would be fighting the nomination of Judge Alito. Unlike the short term grandstanding Democrats can get from criticising Bush on Valarie Plame, Judge Alito will affect Democrats and the liberal agenda for the next quarter century.

Why then are the Democrats concentrating on WMD and avoiding Alito? I think it is because the Democratic leadership is scared S*#tless of the left special interest groups who control the purse strings of the Democrat party. Democrats are going to lose big time on Alito - he will be confirmed - the writing is already on the wall. Thus, instead of being seen as surrendering, Democrats are attacking Bush on WMD! The left loves it and it distracts people from the real threat to liberalism, which is Judge Alito.