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John Adams Blog

The blog of The Antient and Honourable John Adams Society, Minnesota's Conservative Debating Society www.johnadamssociety.org

Monday, October 24, 2005

Worst Case/Best Case

Tonight on Hardball, Chris Matthews asked Tucker Carlson, Tony Blankly, and the man "whose name cannot be spoken" what would be the worst case/best case scenario for Bush on the Plame Flame case. All three said no indictments would be the best case scenario for Bush. Although the unspeakable one went further and said the whole case was really about bringing Bush to account for "lying to the American people" and invading Iraq.

However, I can think of better cases for the Administration than "no indictments." How can we know that the prosecutor won't bring indictments against unnamed as of yet CIA employees for leaking information to the press for the purpose of discrediting the White House. This seems far more illegal and immoral to me considering Bush is the one who can declassify information, not skerbs at the CIA. Leaking is going on all over the place in the civil service. The press has all kinds of liberal buddies with "tenure" leaking like a sieve. How can the country ever remain free if the unelected and unaccountable bureaucracy has a culture of leaking classified information for the purpose of opposing the President who has been elected by the people. Perhaps there is a story here that has yet to be reported.

The prosecutor could also bring indictments against Joseph Wilson for trying use his wife's supposed cover to slander the Administration..... hmmm

These scenarios are unlikely because the press probably already knows what is going on (and has told us without really telling us) because of untold numerous leaks from the grand jury and the prosecutor's office (probably the prosecutor himself). Nevertheless it would be joyous to see the unspoken one squirm a little (I get the heebie jeebies just thinking about him...how disgusting).

Blogger Scribbler de Stebbing said...

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10:13 AM, October 25, 2005  

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