Craig Westover's Halloween Costume
I found this on Craig Westover's webpage -- very funny.
From the Governor's Office --
Governor’s Residence Open for Trick-or-Treating October 31st
WHAT: Children are invited to wear their costumes and go trick-or-treating at the Governor’s Residence.
WHEN: Monday, October 31, 2005Begins at 4:00 p.m.Ends when all caramel apples have been handed out.
WHERE: Front gate of the Governor’s Residence, 1006 Summit Avenue
I'm going disguised as a health impact fee. Any other suggestions?
From the Governor's Office --
Governor’s Residence Open for Trick-or-Treating October 31st
WHAT: Children are invited to wear their costumes and go trick-or-treating at the Governor’s Residence.
WHEN: Monday, October 31, 2005Begins at 4:00 p.m.Ends when all caramel apples have been handed out.
WHERE: Front gate of the Governor’s Residence, 1006 Summit Avenue
I'm going disguised as a health impact fee. Any other suggestions?
Gee, I wonder if I should have put out trick-or-treat invitations . . . Now, I bet nobody will come. Wait:
Attn, JAS Members and Blog Readers:
I have a whole bunch of snack size candy bars. Ring my doorbell anytime between 5 and 8 tonight or until candy gone. Costume attire recommended.
Ok, I saw about 30 or so kids, some old enough to be JAS Members, but no actual JAS Members. NOW what am I supposed to do with all this chocolate? What, was everyone in line for caramel apples over on Summit? Phewey, they probably had razor blades in them. Serves you right!
Happy Hallows Eve, y'all.
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